WW – Rockbank Sewerage Pump Station
Construction of Rockbank Sewerage Pump Station including:
- 11.0 m deep x 4.2 m diameter pump station wet well.
- Dual 170 kW submersible pumps and ancillary.
- 6.5 m x 3.2 m valve pit. 1.9 m x 1.7 m dosing pit.
- Odour Control Facility with activated carbon filter.
- MHL Dosing system and double contained dosing pipe works.
- Associated electrical works.
- Approx. 280 m of 450 OD HDPE Rising Main.
- Approx. 270 m of DN600 GRP Gravity Main at avg. 6 m depth.
- Approx. 230 m of DN450 GRP Gravity Main at avg. 7.2 m depth.
- Approx. 240 m of HV cables with 2 x 150 diameter HV conduits.
- Bulk earth works over approx. 13.5 acre area.